Friday, December 15, 2006

It. Is. Defended! (Doctor Who, anyone?)

About six weeks ago, Casey emailed a copy of his written PhD thesis (all 280-something pages) to his committee, so that they could read it before the defense (which was scheduled for Thursday, December 7). To his amusement but not surprise, on December 6, the two committee members who were not his advisor heavily implied that they had not read the thesis yet.

The defense ostensibly has three distinct parts: Casey's ~45 minute public presentation, questions from the committee after the audience leaves, and then some amount of time for the committee to confer amongst themselves in private. In practice, the questions were mostly all asked during the presentation, and the audience was permitted to ask questions, too, instead of just the committee. And the questions were not particularly confrontational; most of them were for clarification.

In the end, Casey successfully defended, and he is now a doctor. He still goes by Casey, though, but if you must address him with a title, he'd prefer "Doctor Claw."

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