Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Backtracking a bit...

Today's photo was taken a few blocks from our apartment, on the day that we signed the rental contract (over a month ago now!). For a few weeks, these flowers (hollyhocks?) were blooming all over the city. They're mostly gone now, but the roses are still blooming, along with plenty of other flowers.

This past Saturday, we went back to the Albert Cuypstraat market. Since this time it was a Saturday, it was much busier than the first time we went. The guy with the orange juice machine was there (one tasty ~6 oz cup for a euro), along with the stroopwafel guy (one large gooey stroopwafel for a euro, too). On a healthier note, we finally got some plants for our balcony -- one basil and one tiny trinitaria (or bougainvillea, if you're not talking about them in Puerto Rico). Now our balcony looks slightly less naked. Except for when the wind knocks over our puny plants and you can't see them from below anymore. Maybe next weekend we'll find some bigger pots.

"Seven" in Dutch is "zeven."

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